MetroZone - Transit schedules & alerts
Get live transit updates and plan your commutes with ease.
- Version
- 4.7 Score
- 77M+ Downloads
- Free License
- 3+ Content Rating
Have you ever thought about how each time you unlock your phone, it could bring a little extra joy to your day? Envision waking up in the morning and finding the weather right there when you unlock your phone.
What's new
We've made some exciting changes to the app, which include performance improvements and bug fixes.We're always looking for ways to make our app faster and more efficient, so we've optimized the article pages, enhanced the image loading process to make it faster, and created a smoother widget experience.Stay tuned for more exciting updates!
How to Stop Ads on MetroZONE Using Settings:
Basically, you can opt-out of annoying ads and notifications pushed by MetroZONE application right in its settings.
To do so:
Unlock your phone;
Open MetroPCS folder;
Launch the MetroZONE app;
Tap the three-dot menu in the top right and then tap “Settings”;
On the “Settings” screen you’ll see “First screen delivery” and “Notifications”, both enabled.
These two are the reason you get ads. Disable them.
How to Disable MetroZONE App
Note, that it’s impossible to delete the pre-installed MetroZONE, but it’s possible to disable it. If you want to disable it once and for all, then follow our guide:
Unlock your phone;
Open “Settings”=> “Apps”=>”All apps”;
Scroll down the list until you find MetroZONE and then tap it;
Tap “Disable” and then “Yes” in the “Turn off pre-installed app” pop-up;
That’s all you can do about MetroZONE but it works. Since the moment you disable the application, it won’t pop-up. But still, there are so many apps on Android that serve ads, gosh.
How to Block MetroZONE Ads Using AdLock
To turn off ads on MetroZONE on your Android phone, download AdLock from here and install it. Then follow instructions of the guide below to adjust AdLock:
Check for updates;
Open an application, tap the three-dot overflow menu on the top right corner and choose “Check updates”. In a new menu tap “UPDATE ALL”.
Android users often complain that ads pop up in the middle of the game playing process and ruin the result. If you’re one of them then you would like to know how to block ads in Android games.
Switch to the “AdLocker” tab and enable http filtering;
You need to turn on the http filtering to disable MetroZONE ads and to block ads on the websites with a secure internet connection, otherwise, ad-blocking will be either average at best or impossible at worst. In a pop-up window tap “OK”. Then you will be asked to set a graphic key to verify your identity for future actions. Set a key you surely will remember.
When you use this app
Picture yourself standing in line or at work, unlocking your phone to discover a stunning photo gallery that helps you unwind and momentarily escape from daily pressures. Perhaps, you might find local events that spark anticipation for your next leisure time, or catch up with the latest news, sports, or entertainment headlines to stay informed.
We refer to these devices as "smart" phones; therefore, shouldn't we anticipate more from them? Experience greater satisfaction during those brief moments when you unlock your phone.
Unleash the full potential of MetroZONE today!
- Version3.
- UpdateJan 09, 2025
- DeveloperMetro by T-Mobile
- CategoryEntertainment
- Requires AndroidAndroid 8.0+
- Downloads77M+
- Package Namecom.metropcs.metrozone
- Signature8e6ffdff0b0bb151ee54a727e8d53b11
- Available on
- ReportFlag as inappropriate
84.61 MB
84.47 MB
76.55 MB
easy to browse the news
You can select the categories you are interested in to browse
Provide up-to-date information
Advertising everywhere
Frequently track user location