Qconcursos - Exam prep & practice
Ace your exams with Qconcursos' vast question bank and study resources.

- 2.8.8 Version
- 1.6 Score
- 1M+ Downloads
- In-app purchases License
- 3+ Content Rating
With the Qconcursos app, you can study wherever and even without internet! Solve questions, watch video lessons, create notebooks, and see comments from students and teachers. All the questions from the website are in the app. Study for competitions, OAB, ENEM, and entrance exams easily.
About Qconcursos
Qconcursos is an EdTech for those who want to be approved in selection processes. Here you will find a complete study environment with the famous questions, tests, video lessons, study guides and much more. We are proudly the largest student community in Brazil, with more than 17 million people pursuing the same dream!
Since 2008 we have been teaching our students to seek their approval through the practice of questions. Over time we expanded the moments of study, also understanding planning, the study of theory, review and performance analysis. Today we meet these needs from end to end by integrating all stages of study, and we always maintain maximum attention to the satisfaction of our students.
We know that this is what makes it possible for people to achieve their dreams through education, and this is what drives us!
History of Qconcursos
The first version of the site emerged to make life easier for contestants. From the beginning, QC had a strong network of contestants commenting on the questions and helping each other during their studies. It is our students, and this strong sense of community, that show us to this day what are the next steps that the company should take.
Our purpose is to make learning easy and accessible for everyone. This means democratizing access to education, using technology in favor of the student and the teacher.
We hope that all those who want to prepare for a selection process can do so with excellence. We want access to education to be easy and simple, for studying to be enjoyable, and for our students to have their study needs met, regardless of their preparation background.
And fate came into play
The site grew, the number of approved ones too and we became one of the most popular educational sites in Brazil.
We started to serve not only students of public exams, but also students of military exams, enem and vestibular and OAB.
It took many versions for Qconcursos to become what it is today, and many more versions are to come. But our philosophy has never changed. We continue to listen carefully to our students to provide the best possible study experience. We always continue to support our students to achieve their dreams through practical and accessible education. And this is just the beginning!
For questions or suggestions, send an email to app@grupoq.io
- Version2.8.8
- UpdateFeb 07, 2025
- DevelopergrupoQ
- CategoryEducation
- Requires AndroidAndroid 5.0+
- Downloads1M+
- Package Namecom.qconcursos.QCX
- Signature3d6de8572da6bd0a0b5dd93f5c6df2e9
- Available on
- ReportFlag as inappropriate
47.13 MB
46.76 MB
46.74 MB
The curriculum is comprehensive
Push the latest match news
Courses are expensive